Plan a Fundraiser or Awareness Activity


Easter carpet to raise awareness about the church’s relationship in Guatemala.

Sister Parish committee members work hard year-round to raise awareness of the Sister Parish mission and vision and stand in solidarity with their sister community.

Additionally, committee members fundraise  for delegations, projects and linkage fees.


The above packet contains activities and fundraisers organized by Sister Parish communities and other grassroots organizations. A supplemental booklet includes additional resources for the activities and events described in the document.

Videos can also be great way to raise awareness about your relationship. The video below tells the story of the relationship between the community of Guarjila and Wallingford United Methodist Church.  The video was made by WUMC and shared at an event to raise both awareness of the relationship and funds for scholarships in Guarjila.


Cinco de Mayo fundraiser and community celebration.


We recognize and deeply appreciate all you do.  We hope these ideas will help you and your community.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us for additional support, as needed.